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JL Delozier Completes Persephone Smith Trilogy with WiDo Publishing™

SALT LAKE CITY, UT March 14, 2018

J.L. Delozier has come a long way since she started the Persephone Smith series. The trilogy is wrapping up with its final installment, and readers will find out what the heck is in that darned box.  

But much like the twists and turns that readers have experienced through this series, Delozier has had her own share of surprises while writing it.

“I did not pre-plan,” Delozier said. “I didn’t outline an arc for the series. In fact, I wrote the middle book first as a standalone, then added the prequel and now the sequel. I can assure you if I write another series, I will not do it that way again. I planned to write one book, check it off my bucket list, and take a cake decorating class. Update: I still can’t ice a cake.”

Type and Cross was the first book Delozier wrote, and she’s learned a lot since then. After attending Thrillerfest and immersing herself in the writing culture, she feels her craft has vastly improved over that first excursion into writing.

“I’d love to have a do-over!” Delozier says. “I’ve learned so much since then, mostly thanks to great editors like Vrai Kaiser.”

Although some things Delozier has kept constant through the series, things that inspired her to write in the first place. “I strive to include an element of fringe science in all my thrillers,” Delozier says.

For the final book in the series, Delozier took two scientific facts: Rh negative blood is rare, and the Basque people of Spain are morphologically and hematologically distinct from other humans. To these two strange facts she added her own twists, literally mixing science and fiction while sticking to the underlying themes of survival.

“I like exploring the extent to which one will compromise his or her morals to survive. I think I carried that well throughout the series,” Delozier says.

Delozier will focus her marketing efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads and has vowed to update her Goodreads blog more regularly. She’ll be attending ThrillerFest in NYC again this July and will sit on at least one panel with a book signing afterward. She is also happy to give talks to book clubs and libraries and will be giving one such talk later this month for her local writer’s network. She recommends checking her Facebook page for her calendar.

Dr. J.L. Delozier has practiced medicine for 24 years, spending much of her career as a federal servant. Her first thriller, Type & Cross, debuted in April, 2016 and was nominated for a “Best First Novel” award by the International Thriller Writers organization. Her 2nd novel, Storm Shelter, was released in June, 2017. She remains inspired by facts that lie on the edge of reality: bizarre medical anomalies, new genetic discoveries and anything that seems too weird to be true. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and four rescue cats.

See more at www.jldelozier.com





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